Melodies & ABC’s is an age specific parent/child group music class for children 6 months – 6 years of age.
Melodies & ABC’s provides a framework to develop children’s musical, social, academic and motor skills.
The Melodies & ABC’s age specific curriculum was created by Michelle Yaciuk who holds a Masters of Music, specializing in music therapy and Bachelor’s of Science specializing in music and special education.
Melodies & ABC’s is an inclusive program for all children between the ages of 6 months and 6 years. Each semester and age category has different themes, instruments, and curriculum, however, they all maintain similar structure allowing children to feel comfortable and confident.
Our Sampler Program (Intro to piano, ukulele and/or violin) for ages 5-6 yr olds allows both parent and child to explore the specific instrument in a low-risk environment. At home practicing is not required at this stage of development however, these classes serve as a feeder program into private music lessons.
Musical knowledge
-pitch and melody
-musical scales
-rhythm (quarter notes, half notes and eighth notes)
-harmony and chords
-dynamics (piano, mezzo & forte)
-tempo (largo, andante & presto)
Academic knowledge
-following multi-step directions
-fine/gross motor skills
Frequently Asked Questions
When do you offer classes?
Melodies & ABC’s classes are offered at a variety of times during the week. We try to offer classes that can fit into everyone’s schedule including weekends. If there is a certain time you would like a class to be offered please follow us on Facebook. We ask every semester when customers would like classes offered and that is the best place to make a request and be kept up to date regarding classes.
Do you run classes all year round?
Yes, we offer 4 semesters each year. There is a Fall (Sept-Dec), Winter (Jan-March), Spring (April – June) and Summer (July-Aug).
How long and how much does it cost?
Every semester changes based on how many weeks. Currently pricing is set for classes for children 2 years of age and under (30 mins/wk) is $16/class but paid by the semester. A semester can range anywhere from 8-12 weeks meaning the total cost for the semester is $128-192 no tax, registration fees etc., 3-5 year old classes are 45 minutes in length and cost $21/class but paid by the semester, therefore, you can expect to pay somewhere between $168-252. The Intro to Instrument classes (5-6) return to 30 mins and cost $16/class. These semesters are only 10 weeks, therefore the cost is $160.
How do I register?
Visit our Registration page when registration is open for the upcoming semesters.
When do parents stop attending with children?
In Melodies & ABCs we believe parents should stay with their children all the way through. Not because the children can’t attend on their own but more so because the parents need to know about the musical concepts being taught to eventually help them practice at home. Also there are studies that support the higher the bond between parent and children the less likely they are to become bullies in school and its fun to take some time to play with your child.
Do you offer any siblings discount?
We do not offer a siblings discount.
Do you offer a family class, for multiple ages?
No, We have thought long and hard about offering this type of programming and always comes to the same conclusion. The larger the age spread the more music recreation the lessons have to be. One of the things Prelude Music prides itself on is how much the children are learning in each age level. If we opened up the age ranges then we couldn’t be as skill focused.
Terms and conditions
*No cash value *None transferable between different families *Customer is responsible for tracking and redeeming loyalty program *Refer a Friend must be utilized on the next calendar semester *Loyalty program must be redeemed at time of registration for your next semester of enrollment. *Prelude Music has the right to change terms/discontinue program at any time without notice